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Million opportunities in one material

Everything is hidden in a diamond crystal

The name diamond is derived from the ancient Greek ἀδάμας (adámas), “proper”, “unalterable”, “unbreakable”, “untamed”, from ἀ- (a-), “un-” + δαμάω (damáō), “I overpower”, “I tame”. Diamonds are thought to have been first recognized and mined in India, where significant alluvial deposits of the stone could be found many centuries ago.
The most familiar uses of diamonds today are as gemstones used for adornment, and as industrial abrasives for cutting hard materials. The markets for gem-grade and industrial-grade diamonds value diamonds differently. Industrial use of diamonds has historically been associated with their hardness, which makes diamond the ideal material for cutting and grinding tools. As the hardest known naturally occurring material, diamond can be used to polish, cut, or wear away any material, including other diamonds.

There are three ways to synthesis diamonds

  • High-Pressure High-Temperature (HPHT)
  • Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
  • New technology invented by EMIBA team

Diamond is the hardest material known to mankind. There were many attempts to outperform it but all ineffective.


Diamond is the second element in thermal conductivity. The first is graphene, which is also an allotropic form of graphite.


A magnificent refractive index of light makes diamond one of the most valuable mineral on the Earth.


Diamond’s chemical inertness is essential. Diamonds do not react with any chemical reagents including strong acids and bases.

Ask any electronics engineer “what is the ultimate semiconductor material?”, and the majority will say “diamond”. EVINCE TECHNOLOGY, UK

Diamonds, although nonconductive, can be altered to function as semiconductors with the addition of phosphorus and boron. Silicon, the most common semiconductor, is widely used in memory devices and microprocessors. It is also used in power devices. As power devices are key for social infrastructure that facilitates smart grids, high capacity is required. As a result, the demand for high-capacity power production with minimal loss during power conversion calls for the development of new semiconductor materials. The thermal conductivity of diamonds is 14 times greater than that of silicon, and electrical field resistance is 30 times greater. High thermal conductivity allows the release of heat, which can reduce the size of cooling systems normally required during the generation of increased levels of electric power. High electrical field resistance suppresses power conversion losses. With these characteristics, diamonds are the ultimate semiconductors for electronic devices that require several kilovolts (kV) of power, such as those used in electric vehicles, railways, and power transmission.

What makes our diamonds unique

Material for the new breakthrough

Traditional diamond synthesis technologies such as CVD and HPHT are resource-consuming and expensive. Ultra-high pressure technology works on other principles. Here is distinction of diamonds obtained using this technology:

Large sized

Crystal size is limited by the size of the pressure chamber only

Synthesis Guarantee

The probability of obtaining under ultrahigh pressures is 2 times higher

Serial quality

Crystal quality does not change from output to output

Synthesis time

Using high pressures reduces the time required to form crystals

Why our diamonds

Serial diamonds for industries

The world needs diamond

We are confident that the production of synthetic diamonds of high quality will bring the development of science, technology and the global economy to a new level. Today, the scope of artificial diamonds is huge from the creation of microprocessors to the launch of rockets into space.

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Engineering
  • Chemical industry
  • Building
  • Space industry
  • Microelectronics
  • Energetics
  • Medicine and biotechnology

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